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Book Launch: "Information and Communications Technologies in 2030"

日本語 English
  • Book Launch: "Information and Communications Technologies in 2030"

July 23, 2015

Book Launch: "Information and Communications Technologies in 2030"

Tokyo, Japan --- NTT Publishing Company, a NTT Group’s
subsidiary in publishing business, is pleased to announce the
launch of a new book titled “Information and Communications
Technologies in 2030” on July 24, 2015.
This book, to discuss, analyze, and predict the development of
information and communications technologies in 2030 which is
15 years later, is the latest publication following “Information
and Communications Technologies in 2015” published in
September 2001, “Revised and Enlarged Version, Information and
Communications Technologies in 2005” published in September
1996, and “Information and Communications Technologies in 2005” published in October 1990
all of which were written by the same author “NTT Technology Prediction Study Group” and the same publisher. The supervisor of the book this time is Mr. Hiromichi Shinohara, Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President of NTT.

Unique feature of this book is to set five Persona who have different character in terms of age
group, gender, living environment, and nationality, and to curve out detailed life style of each in
2030. By doing so, readers could understand the possibility of the development of information
and communications technologies in the future.

As for the technology fields, the book deploys network oriented technologies, information
oriented technologies, human oriented technologies, energy oriented technologies, material
oriented technologies to crystalize the life style of ordinary citizens.

The book consists of 416 pages, soft cover, and the price is 2,200 yen excluding consumption
taxes, Finally, this will be available in Japanese only, however, as we have already received
some inquiries from agencies overseas, certain foreign language editions may become
available in due course.,

For further information, please contact the following:
Mr. Mori, General Affairs Division of NTT Publishing Co.
Mail to: shigemi.mori@nttpub.co.jp